Welcome To Students Lead

The Students Lead aims to work for the welfare and the well-being of all the students of our college. We are a team of members working together like a well oiled machine with a willingness to cater to your needs and solve your problems.

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About Us

We are

  • Strong.
  • Trustworthy.
  • Understanding.
  • Dependable.
  • Energetic.
  • Nice.
  • Tactful.

  • Loyal.
  • Encouraging.
  • Accessible.
  • Dedicated.

Group of students aiming to be there for you anytime and everytime you need us...

Why  Us

We wish to become a student body that will address the grievances of our fellow students and strive to find the best solutions for them.


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Candidate Announcement



Mathukutty Manoj


Ashly Ashok

Vice Chairperson

Felix Steephen

General Secretary

Alan Sunny

Arts Secretary

Ivin Rafi George

Sports Secretary

Elizabeth George

Magazine Editor

Sayana Fathima
